No other member could disobey the orders of the chief inspector who is the head of the Hao clan.�
�I apologize. This old man has become overly sensitive after the disappearance of the Chief Inspector.�
�Disappearance? Hong Yushin?�
�You didn�t know? We haven�t been able to contact him for the past four months. That�s why the Hao clan is in turmoil now.�
�Four months ago?�
�That�s right!�
It was around the time Pyo-wol left Runan and entered Tianzhongshan. So it must have been that time when Pyo-wol was organizing his thoughts on the mountain when Hong Yushin also disappeared.
�Did you find out why?�
�If we did, we wouldn�t have to worry so much about it like this. The main branch has sent an elite team to track down the whereabouts of chief inspector Hong, but so far, they�ve found nothing. He literally disappeared out of nowhere, without a trace.�
In order to find Hong Yushin, every member of the Hao clan was mobilized.�
But there was no sign of Hong Yushin anywhere.
Hong Yushin�s role in the Hao clan was by no means insignificant. Despite the wariness that came with the position of chief inspector, his ability to handle matters fairly and respond swiftly to changes in the world�s affairs was welcomed by everyone.
It is to Hong Yushin�s credit that many scattered branches throughout the land were able to function relatively smoothly. He would regularly visit every branch from time to time and diligently perform his primary task of gathering information.
Furthermore, he possessed excellent skills in coordinating numerous branches. Even if the branches all belonged to the same organization, conflicts of interest sometimes happen among neighboring regions.�
But Hong Yushin would wisely resolve such issues every time, causing him to earn the support of many branch managers.�
That was why when Hong Yushin disappeared, problems began to erupt in many branches.
The Hao clan became in a state of emergency.
Pyo-wol understood the situation of the Hao clan through the old butcher�s explanation.
Since Hong Yushin�s disappearance, the Hao clan�s Lake Tai branch had not received proper support, leading to a decline in their activities.
Furthermore, since this branch uses a slaughterhouse as a front, unlike other places which use a brothel, there was a significant difference in the quantity and quality of information.
While a courtesans� laughter can make a person let down their guard, a butchers� presence only makes the other person heighten their vigilance.�
�Of course, it�s not that we have no information capabilities at all. It�s just that the process of gathering information takes time, which inevitably delays our handling of tasks.�
�How long will it take?�
�Two days. I will thoroughly have everything about the Cheolsan Manor investigated and provide you with all the information after two days.�
�Very well, do so.�
Pyo-wol nodded.
If the capabilities of the Hao clan�s Lake Tai branch was only to that extent, then there was no reason for Pyo-wol to push and rush them any further. It wasn�t like he was in a hurry anyway, so Pyo-wol should be satisfied with that.
�I�m staying at Lake Tai�s First Pavilion for the time being, so send the information there.�