Chapter: 2128

A strange man wearing a crimson martial arts robes came into their view.

He had long, disheveled hair, and a beard that covers up both his face and chest.�

All that could be seen on his face were his two eerie eyes and nose.

For a moment, the martial artists froze.

�The Ten Thousand Man Slayer!�

They instantly recognized the identity of the strange man.

The monster who had killed the most people in the entire world.

He was given the nickname, Ten Thousand Man Slayer, because he was said to have killed ten thousand people.

Although he hadn�t really killed ten thousand people, it was certain that countless people had died at his hands.

As the Ten Thousand Man Slayer approached, the martial artists carefully stepped aside.

The guards sensed the smell of death emanating from Ten Thousand Man Slayer. His scent instilled fear even to his fellow allies.�

The Ten Thousand Man Slayer walked leisurely down the vertical passage.

Sniff, sniff!

He smelled the thick black smoke gushing out of the vertical hole.

He frowned and said,

�The fuel that caught fire is no ordinary oil.�

�Yes! It�s a specially formulated oil that produces intense heat even with a small amount. Once it catches fire, it doesn�t extinguish easily.�

�How much fuel is inside?�

�There are twenty barrels in all.�

�How long will that amount burn?�

�It will burn for at least twenty days without going out.�

�Twenty days?�

The Ten Thousand Man Slayer frowned.

He had never heard of a fire burning for more than twenty days in his life. However, he thought that the Kowloon Assassin Guild was capable enough to create such a precious artifact.

�Looks like I�m late. No wonder why that old Gu asked for help.�

When he received Gu Ja-hwang�s letter, the Ten Thousand Man Slayer couldn�t immediately respond due to his own circumstances.

No matter how urgent it was, there was something he absolutely had to take care of.

Above all, he trusted Gu Ja-hwang.

He may have a nasty temperament, but he was definitely a man deserving of that.

The Golden Mighty Blood Demon Technique that Gu Ja-hwang had cultivated was a martial art technique that even the Ten Thousand Man Slayer was reluctant to face.