�No. Who�s going to meddle with someone�s problem with just a hundred nyang?�
�One hundred silver is enough money for your family to spend five years in abundance.�
�But compared to the price of rice on this ship, it�s only a small amount.�
�How about two hundred nyang��
�Five hundred nyang!�
�That�s too expensive! That�s enough to buy three percent of the rice on board.�
�Heh! It�s cheaper if we can save all your life and rice at a price of only three percent.�
�Ugh! This is daylight robbery��
The captain shivered. A conflicted expression was evident on his face. If acquiesce to the five hundred nyang to the Daoshi Goh as it is, there will be no gain for them in this voyage.
But even at that moment, the pirates� ship was getting closer and closer. The distance between the two ships is now about a dozen meters.�
The captain had to make a decision.
�O�Okay, fine! If you can really defeat them, I�ll give you five hundred nyang.�
�Heh, you made a good decision.�
As Daoshi Goh smiled and turned around, he saw Heo Ranju and Hyulseung.
Heo Ranju asked,
�How much is it?�
�Five hundred nyang!�
�Hey! That�s all you can do?�
�For now, let�s be satisfied with this, because we can already hit two birds with one stone.�
�Two birds with one stone?�
�If we want to sell our armed forces, don�t we have to promote it? It�s a perfect opportunity to get into the radar of the Emei and the Qingcheng sect.�
�I can�t wait to see their reactions!�
Heo Ranju burst into laughter.
Daoshi Goh smiled and said to Hyulseung,
�Come on, I�ve laid out the stage, so run wild.�
�Why do you have to make me do this?�
�You really don�t know?�
�Go wild and do what you do best.�
Daoshi Goh waved his hand as if to hurry. After a moment�s sigh, Hyulseung turned his head to look at the ship where the pirates were on. JrNovels.com