The pirates who approached the rice carrier were preparing to climb with their weapons.
�Amitabha Buddha! Blessed One who has prepared for greatness, please forgive this sinful disciple.�
Hyulseung spurned the deck with a fire pit and flew into the air.
The body of Hyulseung, who had reached the highest point, turned over and crashed into the ship the pirates were on.
With his landing, the boat with the pirates on board shook violently as if it would sink at any moment.
�What, what?�
The pirates could not balance themselves and fell over. They tried to regain their balance.
�What? Is that a monk?!�
�Careful! He looks strong!�
The pirates cautiously approached the Hyulseung.�
At that moment, Hyulseung hit the bottom of the boat with his weapon. Then the ship shook violently again, as if there had been an earthquake. However, the pirates were prepared this time, so they did not fall unnaturally.
That was then.
The floor that had been hit by the weapon burst and the water spurted out. Hyulseung made a hole in the bottom of the boat.�
The pirates furiously rushed towards Hyulseung.�
At that moment, Hyulseung spread out his palms towards the pirates who rushed at him.
The pirates who were hit by the strong pressure, bounced back and fell into the water. Those who fell into the water were swaying in the waves without moving as if they had lost their breath.
�You crazy bastard.�
�Everyone attack together!�
When the pirates saw their comrades dipping in the water, they became even more furious and rushed altogether. But what greeted them was the fire of Hyulseung.�