As a result, the building itself was in poor condition.
From the outside it looked fine, but on the inside, it was terrible. Only the appearance looked okay,� but the inside was so crude that it was impossible for a person to live.
It was as if they had deliberately constructed it that way on purpose.�
Pyo-wol thought there must be a reason.
One of the truths he learned while wandering the world alone is that everything happens for a reason. If a beggar who was begging next to him was beaten to death, it meant that he had no eyes that could accurately judge the person he was begging from.
If� someone offered food to him, they must also have a reason for doing so. Probably the figure of the beggar would have reminded them of their child or someone close to them.�
So sometimes Pyo-wol was beaten to death.
The reason was simple.
Because the person he was begging for wasn�t very good.
Pyo-wol�s eyesight was already sharp as he had many experiences at a young age.
Because of that, even the slightest strange point didn�t go unnoticed. Pyo-wol came out and looked at the layout of the building. The building itself is very rough, but the layout is excellent.
Even Pyo-wol, who is not familiar with architecture, knew that the buildings were arranged intentionally. But anything beyond that, Pyo-woul couldn�t find out.
Then, someone approached Pyo-wol.
�It�s you, Pyo-wol!�
The girl who spoke in a soft voice was Lee Min he met in the third district. It was the first time for Lee Min to see Pyo-wol in person. Unlike Pyo-wol, she doesn�t have eyes to see through the darkness.
Lee Min narrowed her eyes and looked at Pyo-wol.
Eyes set under dark eyebrows, a towering nose, and tightly closed lips. Although he was very skinny and his cheeks were sunken, he still had a very handsome face. However, it was not Pyo-wol�s appearance that Lee Min paid attention to.
It was his eyes.
Pyo-wol�s pupils, with their hollow eyelids above them, were tinted with a soft reddish tint from the light. She doesn�t know if it�s because of the torch or if it�s the eye�s original color, but it felt very mysterious.
�Was it always like that?�
�What do you mean?�
�Your red eyes.�
�My eyes are red?�
�Yes! Looks like you didn�t know. Then, it must�ve happened to you when you were here.�
Lee Min reached out and touched Pyo-wol�s face.
Pyo-wol stood still and accepted Lee Min�s hand. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he was unaware of her touch.
�Are my eyes red? Could it have something to do with snake bites?�
Being different from others is never a good thing.
Especially when there are so many children gathered together.
Children are accustomed to instinctively detect and reject beings different from themselves. Most of the children Pyo-wol had seen while wandering the world were like that.