Fortunately, his eyes did not turn completely red.
According to Lee Min, his eyes would appear to have a faint reddish tint when there�s a torch nearby, but otherwise it�s not very visible normally.�
Pyo-wol thought that was a good thing.�
Lee Min asked.
�What are you thinking so hard about?�
�Just� this and that.�
�You are different from other children.�
�How so?�
�You just are. While we�re all here confused, you�re the only one thinking deeply.�
Lee Min stared at Pyo-wol. Pyo-wol also looked into her eyes.
�What are you two doing over there?�
So Yeowol and Song Cheonwoo approached them.
�Just talking.�
�Just about this and that.�
Lee Min shrugged.
So Yeo-wol looked at Lee Min-eun with a puzzled look. But only for a while and said to Pyo-wol Pyo-wol with a nonchalant expression.
�A few kids decided to group themselves together. What do you guys want to do?�
�About what?�
�You�re coming with us, right?�
So Yeowol said with a very natural expression, and Song Chun-woo, who was behind her, nodded and agreed with her.
Pyo-wol looked at them for a moment and then opened his mouth.
�We�ll see.�
�What do you mean you�ll see? Are you saying you won�t be joining us?�
�I�m just saying that I�ll wait to see how things go.�
Perhaps Pyo-wol�s answer was unexpected, So Yeo-wol was unable to speak for a moment. Song Cheowoo looked like he was about to get angry at any moment. But being with So Yeo-wol calmed his anger.
He realized that being isolated for a long time in the dark will cause someone to lose their mind.
Some have succeeded in holding onto their identity with strong mental powers, but not all of them can. What�s more is that the people who are now trapped in this underground space were only children in their early to mid thirteen years.
Since they are imprisoned in a state where their mind is not fully developed, the breakdown of their ego was particularly serious. It may not appear on the surface right now, but no one knew what trouble it would cause in the future.
Pyo-wol didn�t want to mix with them yet.