At the child�s confident answer, Go Youngsan bit his lips for a moment.
�What about their food?�
�I�m sure that they have potatoes in their arms. If we don�t go now, they�ll eat it!�
At the words of the boy who had been scouting, an urgent expression appeared on the children�s faces.
The children were hungry enough to consider murder for just one potato.
Go Youngsan frowned. He thought about it for a while, but he had already decided.�
�What about the opening?�
�I already figured it out.�
Most of the children were scattered and living in a war zone that someone had made. Although only the outside looks satisfactory and the inside is crude, a ray of hope still shines through. Because it�s better than living in an unknown underground area.�
It was the same reason why children were unable to leave the war zone even after the food scramble broke out. Most of all, it was here where the baskets of food came down.
Leaving this place meant moving away from the food source, and for the children, it meant falling behind in the food battle.
They had to stay here, dead or alive.
Because of these circumstances, they were enamored with the geography of the area.�
Where can they sneak in and where can they get out?
They clearly knew which places were advantageous for a surprise attack and which places were unfavorable. It was the same with the other groups.
After fighting fiercely, they had completely mastered the geography of the interior of this place. But nevertheless, there was bound to be a secret passage that others did not know.
The dog hole Go Youngsan mentioned was one of those places.
They moved to the dog hole.
As the boy who scouted said, there were two children peeling potatoes.
The moment they saw the potato, the eyes of the children led by Go Youngsan changed dramatically.�
�Kill them!�
Even before Go Youngsan gave an order, the children rushed towards the two who were holding the potatoes.
�N� No!�
Go Youngsan shouted late, but he could not control the children whose eyes had already turned over. The children ran like an ogre. So the children holding the potatoes were startled and ran away.
�Something is strange.�
A light of doubt appeared on Go Youngsan�s face.
Suddenly, an intense scream rang out.
Go Youngsan looked up and saw a child running from the front with a broken head and collapsing. Behind the alley, someone swung a club and smashed the child�s head.