The children who had been hiding in the alleys and nearby fences were revealed.
�Damn it! It�s a trap. Everyone back off!�
Go Youngsan realized that they had fallen into a trap and shouted, but it was already too late.
The children, led by So Yeowol, completely surrounded them.
�So Yeowol!�
As Go Youngsan yelled, So Yeo-wol and Song Cheonwoo appeared from among the children.
�Ho-ho! I caught a big fish with just one potato, we can reduce the mouths to feed by a lot this time,�
So Yeowol let out a cold laugh. Her face was painted with a victorious smile.�
�How dare you�!�
�What can you do by staring like that?�
Go Youngsan grinded his teeth. Their situation was really grim. They were outnumbered, and the terrain was to their disadvantage.�
�To make a mistake like this��
He felt the agitation of the crowd. Everyone was clenching their teeth, but there was an uneasy feeling in their eyes.
Go Youngsan stepped forward and said,
�Can�t you just end it with my life?�
�The food situation is not good for that��
�Will you only be satisfied after killing them all?!�
�If you were in my position, you would have done the same thing too. Why are you pretending otherwise?�
The request of Go Yeongsan did not work for So Yeowol.
Her face remained cold.
Food coming from the outside was becoming less and less. If the number of people is not reduced accordingly, everyone will end up starving to death.� This was not the time to care at the situation of the other group.
�Kill them all.�
A cruel command fell from So Yeowol�s mouth.
The group following her rushed towards the group of Go Young-san.
�Kill them all!�
The children twisted together and fought. The children�s movements were clumsy because they haven�t even learned the basics of martial arts. However, their intention to kill their opponent was no less than that of an adult who had mastered martial arts.
So it appeared more brutal.
The sight of children pounding their opponents� faces until they shattered with clenched fists and biting their opponents� flesh with their teeth looked devastating.