It is never easy for a man to kill another person with his bare hands.
Children are doing things that are difficult for adults to do. They didn�t look like people at all.
The children look like beasts that have gone wild.�
Screams and clamors rang out dizzyingly. It was Song Cheonwoo who faced Go Youngsan.
Song Cheonwoo put Go Yeongsan into a corner with such agility that others wouldn�t be able to believe that he was a child who still hadn�t mastered martial arts.
So Yeowol did not intervene in the fight.
Instead, she looked around and monitored carefully the other children who had gathered because of the commotion.
But the other groups did not dare to intervene in the fight.
This is because the power of the group led by So Yeo-wol is much stronger. A sense of danger that they could be annihilated by a counterattack made them hesitant in trying to aim for So Yeowol.�
Pyo-wol watched the two groups fight on the roof of a nearby pavilion. The fight was about to end in favor of So Yeo-wol�s group. It was a� one-sided victory.
Pyo-wol watched their fight from start to finish.
From So Yeowol planning a trap to Go Youngsan being properly caught, he saw everything. They used the terrain thoroughly. They tried to deceive each other�s eyes using open holes and all sorts of shortcuts, and lead the situation to their advantage.
What Pyo-wol paid attention to was how skillfully they used the terrain, just like the courtyard of their house.
Suddenly he muttered.
�So it was like that��
Now it seems Pyo-wol understood what the captures wanted from them.
The way the children are now will be what they want them to be.
�There is a high probability that this place is a miniature or replica of an actual place. And there is a high possibility that it is a gentian blood that cannot be compared with this place.�
One of the things that Pyo-wol felt while watching the entire fight was that it would be almost impossible to infiltrate if there were proper security everywhere.
The creators of this place wanted children to get accustomed to this place.� They seemed to want no hesitation as they tried to kill each other.
There was only one answer.
�They are going to use us in the same terrain someday. In a place with such a large army, of course, there is a high probability that it is a manor of a large clan in Jianghu or a very influential person.�
The red light in Pyo-wol�s eyes grew even worse. Thinking up to this point, the question of why he had kidnapped himself and his children was resolved.
�We are tools that will be used once and thrown away, so that�s why they�re treating us so harshly. What they need is a usable tool, not a human who can think. In order to prevent a person from thinking and to forge them into the tools they want, no matter the nature of the person, when they are exposed to such an environment, they cannot think properly.�
What�s more, the people here were young and their identity had not yet been established. If they stay in this environment for a long time, there is a high probability that they will gradually stop thinking.
Children who do not have troublesome thoughts and would follow whatever orders they have.�
Everyone would turn out to be ferocious and fearless. Since they�ve already experience killing in this underground cave, there would be no hesitation in taking another person�s life.�
There is nothing more suitable as a tool.