When Pyo-wol came in, a waiter ran to meet him. He has been staying here for several days already, so the waiter knows him.
�Guide me to a seat facing the window.�
�Follow me.�
The waiter gladly guided Pyo-wol to the best seat. It was still early, so the guest house was empty.
After ordering a simple meal, Pyo-wol sat down at the seat with the best view of the Hundred Flower Room.
Unfamiliar people stood guard at the front door of the Hundred Flower Room. Pyo-wol found out that they were the main disciples of the Emei sect.
He spent several days here, observing the Hundred Flower Room. Thanks to this, he was able to remember most of the faces of the new Emei sect disciples. Everything from their body shapes, faces, voices, and even the hierarchical relationship between them.
The food was placed on the table where he was sitting. But it wasn�t the waiter who laid down his ordered food.
�Hello there, handsome oraboni.�
It was Heo Ranju who put the food down instead of the waiter. Heo Ranju, who put down his food, sat down across from Pyo-wol and said,
�The food here looks delicious. Come on, eat it.�
�Ah! Maybe you think I poisoned the food? I don�t do such obscene things, so eat with confidence.�
Heo Ranju clasped her chin on her arms and smiled softly. Without taking a bite of the food,
Pyo-wol asked Heo Ranju,
�What are you doing here?�
�What do you mean? I�m here to see handsome oraboni.�
�For what reason?�
�Because I want to see you.�
Heo Ranju smiled more deeply and stretched out her white fingers. Her fingers touched the scarf that covered Pyo-wol�s face. Heo Ranju slowly lowered Pyo-wol�s scarf. Then Pyo-wol�s face was completely revealed.
�You�re handsome. So why are you covering your face like this?�
�Are you here to see my face?�
�That�s one reason, and there are other reasons� But it�s nice to see your face like this. It�s always nice to see a handsome man.�
Heo Ranju smiled as if she was in a really good mood. However, Pyo-wol was not naive enough to be deceived by her appearance.
Heo Ranju pressed her face close to Pyo-wol�s. And she continued,
�Do you know how hard it was to find you? Who would have expected you to watch the Hundred Flower Room under our nose like this? Clever, really clever.�