�If I ask you what it is, will you answer my question?�
�Of course. You have to know how things work.�
�Tell me. What kind of request is it?�
�A request to kill you.�
Heo Ranju answered with a bright expression on her face. Pyo-wol did not change his expression at all even after hearing her words. Then, Heo Ranju tilted her head.
�Aren�t you surprised?�
�I�m surprised enough.�
�Yeah? I thought you weren�t surprised, so I was almost disappointed.�
Heo Ranju rolled her big eyes. It looked like she was showing affection to her lover, but Heo Ranju�s eyes were not smiling at all.
Heo Ranju was staring at Pyo-wol with cold eyes.
�Say it.�
�I�ll tell you one last time. Join the Black Cloud Corps. Then I�ll cancel this request.�
Pyo-wol said,
�I already turned down the offer before�
�It�s different then and it�s different now.�
�What�s different?�
�At that time, I was really purely thinking of signing you up, but now it�s an offer with your life as collateral, the Emei sect has commissioned us to bring your head to them. This is the only way.�
�You�d better think well, handsome oraboni. If you decline our offer again this time, you won�t get an opportunity like this again. I sincerely hope that oraboni will accept our offer, and I will get to look at that handsome face for the rest of my life. It�s a waste to see such a handsome face go.�
Then, with a dull sound, a large monk appeared behind Pyo-wol. He was Hyulseung who always stuck with Heo Ranju.
Hyulseung joined them and said,
�Amitabha Buddha! I hope that you will accept Ranju�s proposal.�
The words were polite, but the energy or content contained within them was absolutely not. A strong force was oozing out from the whole body of the Hyulseung.
Then another voice was heard.
�Damn it! Stop with your momentum. Are we here to kill? Why are you staring at him so ferociously?�
It was Daoshi Goh who appeared with a tap on the shoulder of Hyulseung. Daoshi Goh approached Pyo-wol with a peculiar gait.
�Long time no see. You seem to have gotten even more handsome. Damn it! What an enviable life. How does it feel to live in the world with that kind of face? JrNovels.com