It was his ability to collect and grasp the flow of information.
For him, who can see the flow of qi, grasping the flow of information was as exciting as a fish meeting water.
Guian took over the work that Steward Go used to do, and his talents bloomed as if he had finally found his vocation.
Guian was also the one who initiated for them to take over the underworld of Chengdu. He used Soma and Eunyo to rule over the underworld.
From then on, it was a breeze.
He established a surveillance system of his own, so he could immediately grasp what was happening in Chengdu.
It was originally the Hao clan who presided over the information in Chengdu. However, Guian nibbled away the Hao clan�s information network.
By the time the Hao clan realized this, most of the initiative had already been passed to Guian.
At least in Chengdu, the Hao clan could not maximize its strength. This was because the information system Guian built was more powerful than the Hao clan.
Having supremacy of information means having supremacy of power.
Thousands of information entered the underground space every day.
Most of the information was useless, but Guian could recognized the truth hidden behind the scenes and reprocessed them to be useful. The reprocessed information was then passed on to Pyo-wol.
Soma asked,
�Don�t you want to go outside?�
�What am I going to do out there?�
�Isn�t it frustrating? You used to be locked up in the Xiaoleiyin Temple, and now you�re locked up in the basement here as well.�
�It wasn�t my intention back then, and now it�s voluntary, so it�s different. I like this place.�
Guian spread his arms wide.
He was the owner of the vast underground space full of bookshelves.
�I could just sit here and still be able to understand the whole situation of Chengdu, so there is no reason for me to go out.�
Soma shook his head.
�You�re like a closet lover.�
�Stop talking nonsense, why are you here?�
�Ah! The issue with the Somyeong Escort Corps has been successfully resolved.�
�A report has also come in. It said that they had just left Chengdu.�
�That�s fast!�
�It�s because their lives are at stake.�
�I�m glad they�re sensible at least. If they were still here by tomorrow, I was ready to go and kill everyone of them�
Soma clicked his tongue with an expression of regret.
Guian looked at him with an expression that he couldn�t stop Soma.