Soma had a childlike appearance and an unusual way of thinking. But those who know of his true nature may find him creepy but Guian and Eunyo felt reassured with him.
The bond the three children had for each other was beyond imagination.
After being kidnapped by the Xiaoleiyin Temple from a young age and growing up together, their bond became so strong that no one could dare to intervene.
Soma thought of Eunyo and Guian as more than his own blood. Because of that, he became extreme when it came to matters related to them.
If Pyo-wol did not exist, the Somyeong Escort Corps would have disappeared from this world last night.
Soma asked,
�What about Eunyo?�
�She�s with brother.�
�Is she learning the zither again? How persistent.�
�She really is. The problem is that she doesn�t have that much talent��
Guian shook his head with a tired look on his face.
Soma stood up and said,
�Shall we go together?�
Guian refused.
He had no intention of going out of his own space.
Soma clicked his tongue and left the underground space.
The place he headed for was Pyo-wol�s residence.
The closer he got to Pyo-wol�s dwelling, the louder the sound of the zither was heard.
Soma frowned heavily.
The sound of the zither should be clear, but all he could hear was a strange sound like someone was scratching a metal.
As he got closer to the area, the noise got louder.
Soma eventually had to cover his ears with both of his hands.
�Brother, this is Soma! I�m going in.�
He spoke loudly and entered the room.
In the room, Pyo-wol and Eun-yo were sitting facing each other.
A zither was placed in front of Eunyo, and her white hands were diligently plucking strings. For every pluck of the strings, there would be an unpleasant sound.
Soma frowned even more by the sound of a metal being scratched by a fingernail.