Chapter: 1196

At this moment, although Emlyn hadn't made a final decision, he felt that the room had become more gloomy, and felt that he had already shouldered a heavy debt.


Above the gray mist, inside the ancient palace.

Klein pressed one temple with the thumb and middle finger of his right hand respectively, and rubbed it lightly twice.

In the silent environment, he sat up straight quickly, allowing a small badge to fly out of the pile of debris and land on the long bronze table in front of him.

The badge was only the size of an eyeball, and on the surface it was a symbol of "fate" and "concealment". It was the relic that Klein found from Lanwusi.

The back of it is engraved with the ancient Hermes inscription "hold this thing, you can join", and provides the corresponding meeting information: "January 4, 1350, 8 o'clock in the evening, Babur Valley."

The question Klein needs to consider now is whether to take this badge to try his luck in the Babur Valley tomorrow night.

Frankly speaking, his heart is inclined not to go, even if he has been promoted to "Faceless Man" and can make a pretty perfect disguise, he doesn't want to take risks because he doesn't know anything about that party.

Magicians don't do unprepared performances... Klein whispered, took out a gold coin, and held it between his fingers.

He picked up the badge with the other hand, and whispered to himself: "Participating in the party in the Babur Valley is risky."

After several times in a row, he popped out the gold coin with a bang.

The gold coin tumbled and fell, standing vertically in his palm.

This indicates that the divination failed.

"Sure enough..." Klein was not surprised by this.

It's not a matter of not having enough pre-information, it's just not having it at all.

He sat there in silence, only the gold coins rolling between his fingers.

In the end, Klein overcame his curiosity and adventurous spirit and decided not to go.

"But it doesn't mean that I can't get involved in this matter. At 8 o'clock tomorrow night, um..." He drew the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and returned to the real world.


January 4, 10:35 a.m.

Klein stood in front of the mahogany table and picked up a stack of banknotes.

This stack of banknotes has five 10-pound bills and ten 5-pound bills, totaling 100 pounds, which is the reward that the "Hanged Man" just paid through sacrifice.

The 15 gold pounds filled Klein's wallet a lot, and he was finally able to buy the ferry ticket with peace of mind.

After putting away the wallet, he picked up the thin human leather glove on the table and put it on his left hand.

A major feature of "Squirming Hunger" is that when it is not in use, it has a camouflage effect and cannot be detected by most extraordinary methods. Therefore, Klein can make it appear between its original appearance, gloves of various colors, and camouflaged skin. Switch, this time, he chose black gloves.

For this reason, Klein also specially prepared a separate right black glove.

Immediately afterwards, he put the brown "biotoxin bottle" into the iron box, sealed it with a spiritual wall, and stuffed it into the inner pocket of his clothes.

As for the "Sun Brooch", as long as it is worn or carried around, it will create a hot summer feeling. Klein had to put it in an iron cigarette case and hide it at the bottom of the suitcase.

"9 purification bullets, 15 demon-hunting bullets, 3 exorcism bullets..." Klein took out the revolver and the bullet box, counting silently while reloading.