Chapter: 1197


He closed the runner, put the pistol into the gun pocket under his arm, put on a black wool overcoat, put on a half-height silk hat, picked up his cane and suitcase, and walked out of the hotel room.

Except for the "All Black Eye" and other unusable items still above the gray mist, he was fully armed.

Taking the carriage, Klein arrived at the "Pritz Harbor Ticket Company" in the White Rose District.

This company is located in a rather old three-story building, and there is a wooden sign with a notice on the door.

Klein walked over, stopped there, and glanced casually: "Notes: "1. Obey the order and strictly line up;

"2. Do not defecate or spit anywhere;

"3. If you have a dispute, please contact the guard in the hall;

"4. Canned wolffish cannot be opened in any room!"

Canned wolffish? What's this? Klein raised his eyebrows.

The lobby of "Pritz Harbor Ticketing Company" is quite spacious, with a total of seven ticket windows, but there are already a dozen or twenty people lined up in front of each window.

Klein glanced at it, and instead of going directly to the column with relatively few people, he took two steps to the right and came to a straight brown wooden board.

A continuous sheet of white paper was pasted on the wooden board, announcing all the passenger ship information in the past week, including the destination, the ports it passed through, and the prices of different classes of accommodation.

Before Klein could take a closer look, a staff member came over, drew a red circle on one of the row's second-class seats, and marked a word: "Sold out."

"It's very popular..." Klein sighed with emotion in a low voice.

"Of course, Pulitzer Harbor is the largest port in the kingdom. Countless people go to the southern continent and those colonial islands to find opportunities through here." A middle-aged man standing next to the wooden board responded a little pompously.

He wore a black bonnet and black and white checkered police uniform, but no epaulets, only a seagull badge on his chest�this was exactly the same as the logo of the "Pulitz Harbor Ticketing Company".

The middle-aged man's face, hands, and all exposed skin are bronze-colored and rather rough, as if they have been exposed to the sea breeze and the sun for many years, so that it gives people the feeling that salt grains have penetrated into wrinkles .

There was a dispute with the guard in the hall... This should be the guard... Klein remembered the precautions at the door, and didn't mind the other party taking the initiative to talk to him. He smiled and said, "You seem to know this port very well?"

Hearing this question, the middle-aged man replied quite proudly: "I used to be a sailor of the Royal Navy, and their main base is at Oak Island in Pritz Harbor. I served for 15 years and spent my time at sea here. A long time, and if the war in East Balam hadn't destroyed my health, I could have been a sailor for another 10 years! I know this port as I know my wife's body!"

A bit cultured, and a bit vulgar... Klein was originally interested in inquiring about news from the sea, so he chatted casually, "After retiring, you came here to be a guard?"

"No, I was crammed into a night school for two full years, being a student and a janitor, and on a storm, you can imagine a guy my age reading aloud with a bunch of teens and teens Is it? And they recognize and remember words faster than me!" The guard showed a look of unbearable expression.

As he said that, he patted the outside of his thigh and sighed: "Unfortunately, my knees can't stand it every time it's wet and cold, otherwise I'd still work part-time as a night school teacher, those kids will make you feel younger , but I don't deny that I'm trying to make more money, when you have a wife and four kids, you have to realize that you have to support the family."

Sir, you talk too much... Maybe that's why the ticket company hired you as a guard... Klein didn't pick up the other party's topic, and said with a smile: "I just read the precautions at the door and found that wolf hunting is not allowed here. Canned fish, frankly, I've never heard of such a thing."

The guard's expression suddenly became complicated.

He pinched his nose and said: "It's a food that is popular in places such as the east coast of Feysac and the Gargas Islands. It is a wolf fish cured with salt, but it retains blood, smell, and the smell is very, very, very pungent, and Smelly and disgusting!"

It turned out to be a kind of dark food... Klein laughed and said, "But I don't think anyone would eat canned food while queuing up to buy tickets, right?"

"No, you don't understand that feeling, maybe one day you will understand it." The guard had a frightened expression on his face, "There was a barbarian from the north who came here to buy tickets, but there were already many people in line in front, blocking the hall. It was like a wooden barrel full of fish, he was very anxious, so he opened the can of wolf fish, and in less than ten seconds, only he and a few guys were left in the whole hall."

This, this is a biochemical weapon... the normal version of the "biotoxin bottle"... Klein laughed and said, "In the end he successfully bought the ticket, and there are new precautions outside?"

"It turned out not as he expected. The lady and gentleman in charge of ticket sales also escaped, hehe, you know, the brains of barbarians are worse than that of curly-haired baboons!" The guard laughed, "I'm still a sailor. Yes, there was such a rumor in the sea that a group of pirates took control of a merchant ship from Rolls, ah, that was a city on the east coast of Feysac, in short, those pirates eagerly opened up their spoils, who knew that Casks full of pickled wolffish, the result, can you imagine the result? They fainted, vomited, lost their combat effectiveness, and became the bounty of the crew."