Chapter: 1359

After the spirit seance ceremony was over, Danitz watched Gehrman Sparrow take out a large machine and corresponding supporting items from the bedroom with very complicated feelings.

"What is this?" he asked in amazement.

Klein said flatly, "The radio receiver."

Danitz opened his mouth, and finally choked out a sentence: "Where did you get it?"

Klein glanced at him: "Outside."

While speaking, he threw the operation manual and frequency band password information to Danitz, and he turned back to the bedroom to sleep.

He often goes out because he is busy with these things... Danitz felt that he understood something.

After studying hard and trying, he finally mastered the usage of the wireless telegraph, and he lay down on the easy chair and fell asleep soundly.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly woke up and heard a rhythmic rattling sound.

What? Danitz turned over and sat up, looking towards the place where the sound came from.

He saw under the deep moonlight, in the dim room, the wireless telegraph machine was operating by itself, spitting out illusory white paper. this something? Flame condensed in Danitz's palm, and he approached cautiously.

Such a scene reminded him of those horror stories that pirates used to tell when they boasted!

There's something wrong with this radio, connected to a ghost? Once Danitz made a mistake, he immediately called Gehrman Sparrow in the bedroom.

He approached the radio receiver, and saw a few lines of ancient Feysac words on the phantom white paper: "Hello.

"I sensed a familiar and unique smell, but it was about to dissipate."

"...Hello." Danis tried to respond, "Who are you?"

The radio telegraph began to rattle again, spitting out blank paper: "My name is Arrods.

"In exchange, you must answer me a question."

? question? This strange radio receiver is a bit interesting... Danis cleared his throat and said, "You can ask, but I may not answer."

Hey, do you think I'm the kind of adventurer, archaeologist who killed himself out of curiosity? Danitz thought warily and complacently.

The radio receiver was quiet for a few seconds before making the rattling sound again, and the illusory white paper was spit out one by one, with reddish words on it: "Are you secretly in love with your captain?"

��I don't! Don't talk nonsense! who? Who told you that! Danitz's face flushed red.

The secret that had been hidden deep in his heart for many years was suddenly revealed, which made him feel at a loss, embarrassed and ashamed, and subconsciously wanted to deny it.

But at the same time, he was shocked and puzzled at how this matter would be known to outsiders. He never told anyone and kept this secret very well!

Danitz opened his mouth, forced a smile and said, "I refuse to answer boring questions!"

The radio telegraph clicked and spat out more blank paper: "Then let's change the question.

"If you don't really like it, who can endure such a boring and uninteresting course for a long time? Is this sentence right or wrong?"

"No! Because I don't have enough strength, I can't beat it!" Danis blurted out, his expression slightly distorted.

The clicking sound of the radio telegraph became lighter and lighter, and the number of words on the illusory white paper gradually increased: "Lie.