Chapter: 1360

"Let's change the question.

"The female image you like is beautiful, powerful, mysterious, and intellectual, the one that can crush you under your feet, right?"

�Danitz's lips moved, and he felt that there seemed to be flames rising inside his body, and illusory black smoke rose from his head.

At this moment, his mentality exploded, as if he was stripped of his clothes and thrown naked on the bustling street.

Subconsciously, he looked around in a panic, looking for and avoiding those eyes that might be looking at him.

Then, he saw that the door of the bedroom had been opened at some point. Gehrman Sparrow was wearing a white shirt not tucked into the belt and looser black trousers, standing there quietly, watching for an unknown amount of time.

"You, when did you come out?" Danis asked stammeringly with a blank expression.

Tell me, you just opened the door! He cried out and begged in his heart.

Klein walked towards the supernatural radio receiver, and calmly replied, "At first."

As a fortuneteller, how could he not notice the strange movement outside? Even in my sleep, I have spiritual intuition... Klein let out a hey in his heart.

Danitz's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he half-turned his body abruptly, rushing towards the wireless telegraph that was suspected to be possessed by an evil spirit, trying to tear up the illusory white paper with three questions.

However, his hand ran across the words and caught nothing.

A crimson fireball condensed from his palm again, trying to blow up the damn radio receiver.

At this moment, he was swept away by Gehrman Sparrow's cold eyes full of madness.

...That's right, this is his item... Danitz froze there, watching Gehrman Sparrow pass him and stop in front of the abnormal radio receiver.

" did it connect to this radio receiver? It said it sensed a uniquely familiar aura that was about to dissipate, referring to the 'breath' of the mysterious space above the gray mist?

"This wireless telegraph receiver has been placed on the gray fog for several days. Although there is no mutation, it is also contaminated with breath, and because of its own functional problems, it can receive information from the spirit world for a short time, so it was used by Arold This seems to know a lot of the magic mirror found?

"Wait, what's the problem behind this...I'm Gehrman Sparrow, I'm a cold and crazy adventurer, I'm a professional...I, I can't laugh out loud..." Klein suppressed At the corner of his mouth, he quietly took a deep breath.

Danitz peeked at his profile, like a prisoner on the gallows waiting for the rope to be pulled.

Seeing that Gehrman Sparrow didn't change his expression, he was slightly relieved. He was glad that the one watching just now was a lunatic, not a normal human being, and he wouldn't be interested in such things.

If it was another pirate, I would have no face to go back to the "Golden Dream", no, no face to take risks at sea! With hatred and fear, he cast his eyes on the radio receiver, on the devil who called himself Arrods.

He heard the sound of rattling again, and saw a new white paper spit out by the radio telegraph, with two lines of correct and elegant Loen script on it: "Your loyal and humble servant, Arrods, is honored to follow your Steps, always waiting to serve you."

...Isn't this the same evil spirit as that Arrods just now... Danis twitched slightly, suddenly feeling that what happened tonight wasn't real enough.

Klein, who managed to suppress his smile, noticed a problem keenly from the case just now, that is, Arrods himself is not here, it should be through the spirit world and the "special function" of the wireless telegraph to send The information was sent, so when Danis refused to answer the first question, he was unable to punish him and could only change the question.

"This is quite interesting. Putting the wireless telegraph on the gray fog for a long time in the future can make it a unique item that receives information from ghosts and the spiritual world? Unfortunately, the Extraordinary characteristics are conserved. Even if a simple wireless telegraph has With the addition of the gray mist breath, the extraordinary function will gradually dissipate, and eventually return to normal...

"Well, according to my esoteric knowledge, there is another way to maintain the extraordinary properties of ordinary items for a long time without using extraordinary properties, and that is to use the honorable names and real names of angels and even gods with the ability to pry nature engraved on it... This is equivalent to borrowing 'mystery' and 'strength' from the other party, of course, the premise is that they agree... I can't do it myself, at least the 'code' I wrote in ancient Hermes before Without mutating the paper...

"Among the real gods, I know one whose real name is 'Primary Witch' Cheek... If I get his honorable name, add his real name, and engrave it on this radio receiver in ancient Hermes, what will happen? What? Will it go viral, will it get a more industrial aesthetic, will fetishists fall for it...

"Well, the biggest possibility is that when I engraved my honorable name and real name, my power was lowered by the 'Original Witch' and I was drained on the spot... This is a very, very precise supernatural point..."

Klein flashed some wonderful thoughts for a moment, until Arrods greeted him.

It just so happens that this is a magic mirror that can answer questions... Klein's heart moved, and he turned his head to Danitz and said, "Go and guard outside the door."