Chapter: 2533

Although Audrey didn't know how to deal with air raids, the education she received since childhood told her to go to church as soon as possible in case of danger.

In fact, her instinct was to rush back to Queens immediately to protect her mother, but considering that Annie and other servants and the staff here are ordinary people with neither experience nor ability to deal with such a crisis, she had to go first Take care of them and accompany them to St. Samuel's Church.

In order to solve the dangers that may be encountered on the way, Audrey plans to wear the "Hand of Fear" and "Lie" at the same time. On the one hand, it can distort the trajectory of the bullet, and on the other hand, it can manipulate the flame to detonate the bomb in advance.

��In the face of long-range attacks, it is indeed difficult for the extraordinary ability of the "spectator" path to play a role.

"Secretly" protecting her own servants and Foundation staff, Audrey successfully entered St. Samuel's Church, and saw several bishops and priests coming up to her.

"Miss Audrey, don't worry about the Earl, Countess, and Lord Hibbert. They all have special people to protect them. An air raid of this level can't hurt them. Moreover, you also know how big your basement is. , How solid." A bishop quickly took Audrey aside to express his relief.

Audrey took off the tulle gloves, nodded, and agreed with the bishop's statement, no longer in a hurry to go home, but instead asked: "How is the situation now?"

"The Feysacs lost two airships and transferred to the West Region. Don't worry, all the defense forces have been awakened, and they won't cause any more damage." The bishop simply mentioned a few words, citing Follow Audrey and others to the underground area of ??the church to hide, and the next floor is where the "Nighthawks" are active.


At 160 Boklund Street, the butler Walter and a group of servants hid in the underground area that doubles as a wine cellar.

This was Dwayne Dant�s' order, and this gentleman took his personal servant to find Bishop Elektra.

After an unknown amount of time, Walter and the others heard a knock on the door, and confirmed through the hole in the door that the employer had returned.

"There are no attacks now, but let's hide in St. Samuel's Church for a while." Klein looked around.

"Yes, sir." Walter responded on behalf of the servants, and then asked, "After that?"

As a qualified housekeeper, he often reads the newspaper and understands that the situation itself is tense. It is not difficult to guess that a certain degree of war will break out after the bombing.

Klein pondered for a while and said, "After the church confirms the situation, we will go to Meige Manor, and you can bring your family with you.

"No matter what, the capital of the kingdom must be a relatively safe place, and the manor on the edge of the capital will not be the target of air strikes. It is not of that value. Well, there is sufficient food and a lot of wine in the Meige Manor. Even if the war lasts For a long time, we don't have to worry about starving to death."

Hearing the employer's words, the servants who had already married immediately showed joy on their faces, sweeping away the paleness and panic just now, and Walter directly expressed his gratitude.

Then, he thought about it and said: "You can buy some more food, in this case, no one will ever think it is too much.

"Also, there may be no more attacks near Backlund, but the law and order may be chaotic, and the manor outside the city must guard against this."

Klein nodded: "I have also considered this point, I will talk to Congressman Macht and the military to discuss the purchase of a batch of 'scrap' weapons and bullets, you need to practice more.

"In short, during this period of time, Enuni and I will go back to Backlund to handle matters according to the situation. If there is anything we haven't considered, we will make up for it later."

As for food, Klein didn't forbid the housekeeper Walter to buy it, so that if there is a famine, he will be able to provide relief.

After discussing the follow-up, everyone in the Dawn Dant�s mansion simply packed up their luggage, took their valuables, and followed the employer into the Church of Saint-Samuel and went underground.

Klein saw Audrey walking among the crowd and comforting their emotions at a glance. He smiled slightly and nodded to the noble lady.

After seeing Dwayne Dant�s, Audrey smiled back, confirming from the attitude of the other party that nothing serious happened.


Forsi and Xio moved again, but they were still on the edge of the Eastern District, and closer to the Backlund Bridge area.

After sleeping until she woke up naturally, Forsi rubbed her hair, walked out of the bedroom, and planned to prepare lunch.

With a glance, she saw that Xio who had already left the house was sitting on a chair, quickly flipping through the newspaper.