Chapter: 2534

"What's wrong?" Forsi asked blankly.

Xio frowned and said, "The Feysacs attacked the northern and western districts by air..."

"What?" Forsi blurted out first, and immediately remembered the corresponding matter discussed in the Tarot meeting.

At this moment, the newsboy's voice came from outside: "Extraordinary! Extraordinary! The kingdom declares war on Feysac!"

"Extra! Extra! The kingdom declares war on Feysac!"

"Extra! Extra! The kingdom declares war on Feysac!"

Klein, who was returning to Backlund from Maysong Manor, was sitting in the carriage, listening to the shouts of the newsboys running fast on the street.

Although he had already made preparations, after confirming that the war had really broken out, Klein still sighed for a while, and his mood became uncontrollably depressed again.

"The hatred for the loss of the key territory of Sonia Island...the entanglement of colonial interests...the failure of the previous war...the economic decline caused by pollution control...Since the enactment of the "Grain Act", domestic farmers have been affected by foreign grain products. A large number of bankruptcies in China... The extremely poor living conditions of the people at the bottom... The widening gap between the rich and the poor...

"The middle class are blindly confident in Loen's national strength, eager to have the opportunity to improve their status... The contradictions between different political parties in the upper class have intensified, tearing each other apart... The king and his faction want a large-scale war... ... So many factors add up, only from the objective conditions, from the perspective of materialism, it is almost inevitable for Loen to export wars... Reality is the best writer..." Klein jumped out of the previous position and watched from the sidelines From the perspective of the author, he re-examined the situation in Loen's country, and found that the tide of the times has already formed, and it is rolling in. Without the coming of the true god, it is really unstoppable.

In comparison, what he was more puzzled about was why the Feysac Empire was willing to launch a war on its own initiative.

Even if a member of an ancient secret organization is indeed a senior member of Feysac or the Church of God of War, and is a key person who is qualified to make decisions, it is impossible to be arbitrary on such a major matter, and how can others agree with a world war? ?

"Could it be that the conflicts among the various strata in Fusac have completely intensified, and a war is urgently needed?" Klein lacks sufficient understanding of the northern empire, so it is difficult to make an accurate judgment, "But they just won the Eastern Beth before. The Long War, which grabbed more colonial interests, is unreasonably more serious than the situation in Ruen... Well, the royal Einhorn family is in charge of the 'Red Priest' pathway, and it is understandable to desire war, but there is no reason why the Church of God of War should not stop it Ah, as members of the True God Alliance, they lack sufficient motivation to help Amon's brother advance to Sequence 0."

Thinking of this, Klein suddenly had a guess

"Has that brother Amon noticed that the Goddess has acquired the 'uniqueness' of the 'Death' path, and at a critical moment, disclosed this information to the Church of the 'God of War'? And the 'God of War' is in an adjacent path to the Goddess , it is impossible to ignore this matter, and there will inevitably be a fierce response...

"Of course, it may not be the brother of Amon who did it. It may also be that the angel Haitel of the artificial death sect of the spiritual sect discovered the anomaly in advance under the reminder of the conspiracy expert Sauron Einhorn Medici. On the one hand Pretend not to notice anything, continue to arrange temptations, and on the other hand, introduce the Church of the 'God of War' to make the situation worse and more chaotic... The evil spirit of the 'Red Angel' is really a symbol of war...

"If this is the case, it is inevitable for Feysac to launch a war, and the 'uniqueness' of the 'Death' path cannot be reconciled at all. At the critical moment, the 'God of War' may come directly, and after the Fourth Epoch The battle of gods that has not appeared broke out...

"This time, Feysac's airship formation can pass through the coast to Backlund's nearly 100-kilometer area in an extremely concealed manner, without being noticed, there must be a 'weather warlock' blessing, otherwise, even if you take a detour to a sparsely populated place, It will definitely be seen in advance, and it will definitely be intercepted by the Loen airship troops...'Weather Warlock', this is an angel. Since the Fifth Epoch, the number of times Extraordinary people of this level have appeared in wars is absolutely rare ...After the fall of the Great Emperor, in various colonial wars, most of the soldiers didn't even know that there were Extraordinary... What does this 'weather warlock' attack mean...

"This is really a war sweeping the whole world and involving all levels, is this what Amon's brother wants?

"At that time, what positions will the 'Lord of Storms', 'Eternal Blazing Sun', 'Mother Earth', 'God of Steam and Machinery', and 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom' choose, and temporarily suppress Will the conflict of one or two thousand years be intensified because of this...

"'Earth Mother Goddess' likes giants, and even among the favored ones there are Feysacs, and the division of Fenepot Kingdom in Lunburg, Masin, and Segar is of great concern to Ruen and Intis. With a deep hatred, there is a high probability that the will of kingship and theocracy can be unified. It is very likely that they will form an alliance with Feysac and attack Loen and Intis from south to north. Of course, the countries such as Lunburg and the Church of Knowledge will definitely Make a block, uh... the area of ??Dixi Bay, Feneport and Loen are directly bordered, and there will be no peace in the south..."

The more Klein thought about it, the more he felt that the situation in the Northern Continent would become extremely chaotic, and he couldn't stop it from any aspect.

Even a demigod of Sequence 4, under the tide of the times, in this situation that may lead to a war of gods, there is no way to exert a key influence. It is considered good if he can protect himself and the people he cares about.

When the Feysac airship attacked before, Klein immediately arranged for the butler Walter and others to hide in the underground area serving as a wine cellar, and then "teleported" to Backlund Technical University. At that time, there was already A bomb fell, and some people were killed and some were injured. The only thing Klein is thankful for is that his younger sister, Melissa, was not within the range of the explosion.

When Melissa and Benson rendezvoused, Feysac's airship didn't stop much, and quickly evacuated Backlund before returning to Dawn Dant�s' mansion.

Huh... Klein breathed out slowly, turned his head and looked out the window, and saw that after hearing the kingdom's declaration of war on Feysac, some of the passers-by on the street showed fear. They seemed to be recalling the air raid in the early morning. Dazed, a little panicked, wanting to do something but not knowing what to do.

They may not be able to truly understand what such a war will bring, but they instinctively feel that the peace has been broken, and the future is chaotic and full of dangerous unknowns.

Klein withdrew his gaze and looked at the valet Enyuni opposite him. From his eyes, he found that he was also a little dazed.

With a half-smile and half-sigh, Klein raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, put away his frustration and helplessness, and thought about what he could do and what he needed to pay attention to

"No matter what, with the experience and lessons learned this time, the king's faction also launched a war as they wished. Before Loen was completely defeated, it was almost impossible for Feysac to invade Backlund again. Benson and Melissa stayed behind. It's safer here...