Chapter: 3042

"It" is slightly half the size of a normal baby. It has grown five sense organs and four limbs. Its skin is wrinkled and thick pus is flowing.

As "it" leaves the mother body, the "it" that has not been fully formed gradually degenerates and quickly melts into the air.

The baby was obviously not reconciled, and tried hard to open the eyes closed by the mucus, and opened the mouth with sharp fangs, making the last struggle.

At this time, Klein above the gray mist tapped the edge of the mottled long table with his fingers.


He magnified the chances of a baby struggling and failing.

The baby finally couldn't maintain itself, and completely dissipated in front of the dark forest approaching here.

At the same time, the torrent of information formed by Bernadette passed through the heavy stone door and entered the "Dark Emperor" mausoleum, reorganizing her original body.

During this process, she seemed to see a black shadow.

When entering the mausoleum of the "Black Emperor", Bernadette vaguely "saw" a black shadow, but after she got out of the information flood state and reorganized her body with complex and pure knowledge, she didn't feel anything, as if what she experienced just now was just hallucinations.

The "Queen of Mysteries" was not in a hurry to go deep into the mausoleum, and stayed where she was, carefully examining the surrounding situation.

Without using the ability of "peeking into secrets", everything here is clearly presented in front of her eyes:

The interior of the "Black Emperor" mausoleum was empty, except for the dark walls and the high platform in the center, there was nothing.

On the high platform, there is a seat prepared for a giant. It looks like iron as a whole, with complicated and twisted strange patterns engraved on the surface, and the top of the backrest extends upwards in the shape of a crown.

At this time, there was no figure on the heavy and huge seat, as if it was waiting for the return of its emperor.

Just as Bernadette was about to take a tentative step and approached the high platform, she suddenly found that her body could not move at all, as if she was firmly bound in place by invisible shackles.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of illusory and sacred white wings naturally spread out from behind her, as if she was passively resisting something.

In the next second, white feathers fluttered down one by one from the pair of angel wings, deformed, thin, and furry limbs grew in the air, and the gaps created by the layers of feathers opened one after another, as if into countless eyes.

The distorted feathers immediately let out a crisp laugh, causing the sound of "giggling" to echo inside the mausoleum.

They all came to life and turned into miniature "feathermen".

This reminded Bernadette of some fairy tales told by her father, in which there would always be elves no bigger than a thumb.

In a flash of thought, Bernadette felt her right eye start to itch.

The eyelashes of that eye grew rapidly, and turned into tiny arms that stretched up to her face, trying hard to pull the eyeball out.

"I saw it! I saw it!" The blood vessels in Bernadette's right eye protruded, and she made a childish and light voice on her own, as if she had acquired her own wisdom and consciousness.

This is also a kind of "new life".

Almost at the same time, Bernadette's left ear suddenly drooped, covering the ear canal.

"I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it!" cried the ear in a slightly shrill voice.

If she didn't use her spirituality to perceive, Bernadette would definitely think that there was a little girl beside her, covering her ears and stomping her feet and screaming.

Without giving her any room for buffering, the "sage forehead ornament" in the center of her forehead actively separated from her body and floated into the air.

The surface of the vertical eyes inlaid with "diamonds" flashed countless icy lights in an instant, as if miniature eyes grew out one after another.