Chapter: 3043

And each eye reflected Bernadette's figure.

The "Sage's Forehead" also gained certain living traits.

Just when this "0" level sealed item was about to wake up and exert some influence on the target, a pale and slender illusory palm stretched out and grabbed it.

The living characteristics of the "sage forehead ornament" quickly dissipated, as if entering the end of life.

The cold and pale palm that obviously belonged to a woman came from behind Bernadette, and a figure with only the upper body appeared there at some point.

This figure grows from Bernadette's back, and the whole is almost transparent, quite illusory.

"She" was wearing the same style of clothing as Bernadette, and the same three-cornered hat with feathers. Her blue eyes were like projections of the sea. She seemed to be Bernadette herself, a part of her spirit that came out of her body.

However, the face of this phantom of Bernadette's half-body was wearing a pale mask with metallic luster.

This mask only has holes for the eyes, and there are no gaps in the rest of the mask, making Bernadette's phantom look extremely cold and noble, but it lacks the breath of the living.

This is the third and last "0" level sealed item she owns. It is an item made by Emperor Roselle after returning from the Southern Continent in his later years. It is called "Pale Death".

Its negative effect is to make the wearer die a little bit until he becomes a corpse and becomes its slave.

At this time, Bernadette is using this point to suppress the abnormal activation in her body.

Just when this half-body phantom emerged, her right eye became quiet, and the eyelashes that became thicker and longer and turned into arms withered and fell off one by one.

Her ears also stopped making sounds, opened slowly, and returned to normal.

If there is no such suppression, Bernadette's facial features, arms, and legs will break with her one after another, and go to "freedom".

After initially stabilizing her body, Bernadette tentatively moved forward, but she was still unable to make any movements, and could only drive the half-body spirit body.

After thinking about it, she asked the spirit body behind her to take out a ritual silver dagger from her clothing pocket, then bent down, and scratched a circle in the middle of the right boot.

Amid the piercing sound, the leather boot quickly shortened by half.

Immediately afterwards, Bernadette used the half-body spirit body to tear up the trousers at the left knee, cut off a corner of the jacket and shirt, and pulled out a few feathers from one side of the three-cornered hat.

Such an attempt seems to have nothing to do with Chaofan, just like a willful and rebellious girl who wants to dress up differently from the normal aesthetics.

However, after Bernadette completed this series of movements and stepped forward cautiously, her body could actually move, and she no longer felt bound in place.

The invisible suppression disappeared at once, and the mausoleum of the "Dark Emperor" seemed to accept such Bernadette.

Who would have thought that the means to deal with this kind of abnormality can be done by ordinary people.

Moreover, Bernadette suspects that the more she fights with extraordinary abilities, the more deeply she will be affected.

This is because, just now, she had the feeling that she was facing an invisible god. Only by "pleasing" the other party's aesthetics can she be forgiven. Otherwise, she can only rely on the authority of Sequence 0 to bypass it.

In addition, it is fortunate enough that Bernadette was not only a knowledgeable "occultist", but also had a fairly in-depth understanding of the "Dark Emperor" path, knowing what the authority of this field generally includes, and understanding what it represents It is a shadow of order, a distortion of normal order.

So Bernadette started with her own clothes, initially distorting the normal order on her body, and then she was recognized and accepted by the invisible god.

"Well, in mysteries-related incidents, knowledge and ideas are sometimes more useful than abilities... In the situation just now, any resistance will be regarded as a provocation to the internal order of the mausoleum, which will trigger unpredictable and absolutely terrifying changes , and once the crux of the problem is found, the negative impact can be easily resolved..." Klein above the gray fog nodded slightly, learning a lot from the "Queen of Mysteries".

Although he is already one rank higher than the opponent, even equal to the King of Angels in "Origin Castle", and has experienced many major events, but after all, he has grown too fast and is still lacking in many detailed issues. One or two can be made up by this observation.

After taking a step, Bernadette began to follow her spiritual intuition, and walked towards the high platform in the center, towards the huge empty seat on the platform.