Chapter: 627

"Yes, although I can't understand the reason for doing this, it did happen. It is said that it was an agreement reached by the seven churches at the end of the fourth era and the beginning of the fifth era." The old man "Eye of Wisdom" spoke neither fast nor slow Said calmly, "My '2-081' comes from the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, it can let you know a lot, know a lot, even if the enemy's extraordinary ability, you can quickly identify the specific situation, understand the strengths and weaknesses, and It is possible to imitate to a certain extent, the stronger the opponent, the higher the possibility of failure, of course, even if it succeeds, there must be a big gap with the original version.�

Sounds strong... proof that knowledge equals power? In the end, will there be a situation where omniscience equals omnipotence? Hmm... I take back my previous judgment. The old man "Eye of Wisdom" may not be an "appraiser". His identification of objects may rely on the sealed item "2-081"... Klein was speechless secretly, quite interested Asked, "So, what should I pay for it?"

"What's wrong with it?"

"It will keep your brain running at high speed all the time. Once the time limit is exceeded, you will become an idiot." The "Eye of Wisdom" replied simply, and the description was not detailed enough.

At this time, the pharmacist next to him muttered: "Maybe your head has been broken, and you always talk about your collection. Sooner or later, someone will rob you and kill you!"

Sir, your persuasive words are always not so pleasant... Klein couldn't help but slander.

The "Eye of Wisdom" laughed and said, "How do you know that I didn't say it on purpose, waiting for greedy people to do it?"

"Well, it's just like the fishing law enforcement that Emperor Roselle once described."

After the laughter stopped, he patted the armrest of the sofa and sighed: "As a collector, it is very painful not to be able to show off the collection to others."

He immediately looked at Klein: "I'm sorry, I won't sell '2-081', it is my best collection, and I bought it for 6,800 pounds, and a sealed item of this level costs 4,000 to 20,000 pounds It varies, depending on the specific functions and hidden dangers, but most of the time, money can�t buy it.�

Then what are you talking about... Klein controlled the twitching of the corner of his mouth.

The old man "Eye of Wisdom" seemed to have sensed his reaction, he chuckled and said, "What I really want to recommend are two items, one is a brooch, which will allow you to gain exorcism, purification, and the ability to use some sun domain spells The disadvantage is that as long as you wear it, you will never feel cool, and you will always be in the hot summer in the south. One piece is a hat that can change its shape. Wearing it, you can move freely underwater. At least half an hour, and use some spells in the water and wind domains, the disadvantage is that you will long for water, and once you walk on the ground, you will become weaker and weaker."

"The price of similar items is between 1,500 pounds and 3,500 pounds. Similarly, sometimes, even if you double the price, you may not be able to buy them, because they rarely appear. I have used them for more than 30 years. Collected a few."

Klein nodded lightly: "I'll think about it and make a decision at a later gathering."

Speaking of this, he smiled deliberately: "And I don't have that much money now."

The concrete road was dirty due to long-term rain, and the gas street lamps on both sides, taller than men, emitted a bright but hazy light due to the wet glass cover.

A taxi is driving in the night, and the pedestrians around are wearing hats or holding umbrellas.

Klein leaned against the wall of the compartment, admiring the streets of Backlund at night in a leisurely manner.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the temperature inside the carriage dropped a lot, and the cold wind swirled around.

Klein turned his head suddenly, and saw the lady bodyguard wearing a black gothic court dress sitting across from him at some point.

She said in an illusory and erratic voice: "That 'eye of wisdom' has noticed my existence."

Sure enough... Klein nodded not unexpectedly: "He has several mystical items, and he may have been detected by these items. I even suspect that there is an organization behind him."

Otherwise, relying on the power of the "Eye of Wisdom" alone, even if it took more than 30 years, it would be impossible to collect several relatively powerful magical items. One of the great pirate generals only has one piece of "Squirming Hunger". Of course, the latter is more likely to have a high vision and look down on ordinary magical items. After all, "Squirming Hunger" can be comprehensive and has no weaknesses. .

Well, it is reasonable to explain that the Eye of Wisdom itself is rich. After organizing so many gatherings, finding the right magical item and taking it regardless of the cost. After more than 30 years, it is not too unbelievable to have several collectibles. ...Hey, this is the rhythm of having a mine at home, or opening a bank... Klein complained in his heart.

He didn't specifically mention that he actually guessed that the "Eye of Wisdom" was a member of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, or the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, for fear of revealing the fact that he hadn't just become a Extraordinary in front of Miss Bodyguard.

The blonde-haired bodyguard nodded lightly, as if agreeing with Klein's suspicion.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly, looked at the opposite car window and said, "It smells very bloody."

There was a strong smell of blood... Klein turned his head in doubt and looked out the window.

In the thin rain, there is a secluded alley there.

Near the entrance of the alley, there was a woman in a gorgeous long dress.