Chapter: 628

At this time, a pedestrian passed by, took a closer look, and suddenly let out a scream.

Amidst the screams, the horses were slightly frightened, and the coachman quickly tightened the reins, and the speed of the carriage slowed down.

With the light of the gas street lamp, Klein saw the pale face of the woman lying on the ground at the entrance of the alley. There was a deep gash in her abdomen, and the internal organs inside seemed to have been hollowed out.

The blood on the ground around her was slowly flowing, red and thick.

This... As a qualified former nighthawk, he quickly thought of many cases with similar modus operandi.

These instances are often associated with Satanism!

When it comes to devil worship, it is difficult to bypass an ancient organization, the "Blood Worship Cult" that first appeared in the Fourth Epoch!

According to the records, this is a loose alliance formed by worshiping demons. There are several so-called demon families, such as the North, Andrerad and Beria families, who are not affiliated with each other.

They persistently and widely spread the belief of demons and caused many bloody cases. Mrs. Orianna, the accountant of the night watchman team in Tingen City, was one of the victims, but fortunately she was saved.

Of course, not all similar cases were done by them. Many people thought those things were cool and began to imitate crimes.

"It's very similar to what the Blood Worship Cult did." The lady bodyguard whispered, and her figure quickly became transparent and disappeared, regardless of whether Klein understood or not.

At this time, the carriage had already passed the scene of the crime, and Klein also noticed that a patrolling policeman was coming, so he resisted the idea of ??getting out of the carriage to observe, and pretended that he was an ordinary citizen passing by.

Well, Mr. Moriarty, Citizen...

The Blood Worship Cult masters the "criminal" pathway, also known as the demon pathway. It is said that after Sequence 7, the corresponding Extraordinary will gradually become demonized, but it will only manifest itself on specific occasions and under specific circumstances...

Sequence 9, "Criminal", has a strong body, keen intuition, and various criminal abilities, but his conscience has not yet disappeared... Sequence 8, called "Cold-Blooded" in ancient times, and the modern name is "Angel with Broken Wings", which means that he has been lost forever. Conscience, the same flow with evil desires, the body is more inhuman, and can get some magic-like abilities of demons... Sequence 7, "Serial Killer", has mastered many knowledge and rituals of worshiping demons, and likes to use special serial killings to please demon��

I don't know what the next sequence is...

The knowledge about Blood Worship Cult and the path of demons flashed through Klein's mind one by one. The drizzle outside seemed to be a little heavier, and the rainwater on the car windows gathered and fell down, making the whole world quiet and not enough. clear.

"What do I want to do so much? This kind of thing will definitely be taken over by the Extraordinary team. Maybe it's the Punishers, maybe it's the Nighthawks. I don't need to worry about it." Klein shook his head and laughed, and muttered in his heart.

When he returned to No. 15 Minsk Street, he had already put the case behind him. He went to the next door and knocked on the door of Summer's house, asking Mrs. Starling to forward it to Mary and ask her to come to collect the evidence tomorrow afternoon. Then he washed up and read the newspaper to learn about the current situation and various news about Backlund.

The next day, that is, Saturday morning, Klein had a leisurely breakfast, went out to get the newly developed photos, and picked the one that could best see the faces of Doragu Gail and Erica Taylor. Reflect their fiery enthusiasm.

After putting away the photos, he rushed to the Rice police station before Mrs. Mary came to the door, and successfully got back the 10 pounds bail.

During this process, he also saw the real Sergeant Farthing there, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

After withdrawing the remaining 500 pounds in cash from the account, Klein, who had been busy all morning, finally had nothing to do.

Before preparing lunch, he handed over the remaining 600 pounds to the bodyguard lady, and he had a total of 146 pounds, 8 soli and 5 pence left on him, which was all the property he could use.

Except for Miss Justice, there is no debt... Klein relaxedly fried a bone-in steak and poured black pepper sauce on it.

Just when he was in a good mood to savor the medium-rare taste, the doorbell was suddenly rang, and the sound of jingling echoed continuously.

"Mrs. Mary? Is it too early?" Klein put down the knife and fork suspiciously, and walked towards the door.

He paused for two seconds, and the image of the visitor outside the door naturally appeared in his mind.

It was an old-school gentleman wearing a light gray overcoat, a half-height silk top hat, and a black gold-inlaid cane. He had sharp blue eyes, his temples were stained with gray spots, and the nasolabial folds were deeply engraved on his face, making his muscles Both appear sagging.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Klein opened the door and asked.