Chapter: 652

And Klein has just judged from the shape of the tombstone and the tomb that the subjects of his experiment are those with coffins and corpses.

If Azik�s copper whistle can really turn the opponent�s corpse into a dead body, even if the target may have rotted into bones early, there will be no reaction. Even if the coffin lid covered with thick soil and stone slabs cannot be lifted, it can at least make a dull sound .

Stepping forward and walking towards the fence, Klein suddenly thought of an imprecise part of the experiment just now: "Well, we have to classify it. This is a corpse that has been buried for a long time, and we need to find a target who has just been buried."

"Only in this way can we make the most accurate judgment."

Afterwards, Klein and the cemetery guarded the secret treasure and found a tomb that had completed the burial ceremony only during the day.

This time, he waited for half an hour, but still did not find anything unusual.

"Phew, it can basically be judged that Mr. Azik's copper whistle cannot affect the corpses that have undergone the requiem ceremony. Messenger, affecting the corpse is a negative effect!" Klein tightened his double-breasted dress and walked towards the iron fence.

He planned to go home and change his clothes for the second set of experiments.

The second group targeted the recently deceased corpses that had not received a funeral service.

Such targets often exist in hospital morgues!

After climbing out of the fence, Klein returned step by step towards the southern area in the desolate and deep night. The surrounding was dead silent and peaceful, only the evergreen trees covered in dust swayed gently.

This reminded him of the night when he came back from the dead, when he was also walking from the cemetery to the city.

Hey... Klein sighed, and suddenly started running, as if he wanted to shake off that melancholy far away.

Half an hour later, he hired a horse-drawn carriage in the South District, and his destination was the nearest steam subway station.

There is still about an hour before the steam subway will be out of service, which will save him a lot of money.


In the early hours of the morning, Klein changed into a gray-blue worker's uniform and a peaked cap, and came to St. Estin's Hospital in the Backlund Bridge area without getting far.

This is a charity hospital belonging to the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery.

Many low-level poor people died here due to illness, and there was no place to put their bodies at home, so they had to be stored in the morgue of the hospital, waiting for the government to be cremated or donated to the medical school. This phenomenon is especially common in summer. Not much in winter.

However, in an era without air-conditioning and low-temperature devices, the morgues of the hospital would not allow the corpses to be kept for too long. Those who are willing to donate should be embalmed immediately, and those who are going to be buried will be cleaned up the next day. Of course, this is summer. The rules are relatively loose in autumn and winter, so during this period of time, there are still many corpses in the morgue every night.

The morgue of St. Estin's Hospital is on the basement floor. Even in summer, it is quite cool here, and it is even more chilly in autumn and winter.

Based on the knowledge he learned in the Nighthawks team, relying on the clown's flexibility and balance, Klein sneaked in skillfully, avoided the doctors and nurses on duty, and entered the basement floor.

Before he got close to the morgue, he felt that the surrounding area was chilly and gloomy.

Quickly flashing past the janitor's room, Klein took out a wire and lightly unlocked the door of the morgue.

This is one of the tricks of sneaking and tracking!

He slowly and silently pushed open the door of the morgue with his right palm wearing a black glove. At the same time, he spread his spirituality and wrapped Azik's copper whistle, wanting to confirm whether this method could eliminate the negative effects.

The temperature in the morgue seems to be lower than that in the corridor. Most of the dead here are packed in body bags and placed in different iron cabinets around. Only a few are placed on the long table in the central open space, as if waiting for inspection .

As the "clown" of Sequence 8, Klein didn't have much fear of this kind of scene, he just felt uncomfortable instinctively.

He remained cautious, carefully closed the door, and circled around the long tables.

After more than ten minutes, Klein breathed out a cold breath, confirming that the corpse hadn't changed.