Chapter: 653

It's almost there... He took out his gold pocket watch, opened it and glanced at it.

After getting ready, Klein withdrew his spirituality and no longer wrapped Azik's copper whistle with it.

He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but somehow he felt that the surroundings had become more silent.

As a fortune teller, he fully believed in self-consciousness, stopped walking back and forth, and stepped back near the gate.

Time passed by, and Klein thought it was about two minutes.

At this moment, a corpse on the long table suddenly sat up!

boom! boom! boom!

Immediately there were dense slapping sounds from the surrounding iron cabinets, as if something was about to hatch!

boom! boom! boom! Hearing this movement, Klein looked at the corpses sitting up, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Crimson!"

Immediately afterwards, he poured spirituality into the "Requiem Charm" and threw it out.

The ice-blue flames burned quietly, and the peaceful and soft black diffused, and the corpses lay down again, and the slapping sound from the iron cabinet stopped abruptly.

Klein, who had experienced similar scenes, did not relax, and used a "Requiem Charm" again.

Due to the large number of corpses here, he used the third one just to be on the safe side, using up all his stock.

"That's right... Sure enough, it only affects corpses that have not received the requiem ceremony and has just died, including living corpses. Using spiritual cover can shield this effect." Klein thought with a smile on his face.

Seeing that there was no abnormal reaction from the corpse, he was about to open the door and leave.

At this time, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside, and saw a faint light seep into it.

Attracted by the slapping sound in the morgue, the old man at the gate came closer with a lantern in hand!

Klein looked around, pressed the door with his hand, jumped and climbed nimbly, and stayed at the space between the door and the ceiling.

Fingers picking at the bumps and crevices, he maintained a very good balance.


The old gatekeeper opened the gate with a key and entered the morgue.

He took a few steps forward, raised the lantern, looked at the iron cabinet and the long table, and looked at the corpses one by one.

And behind him, Klein jumped down lightly and landed silently.

Seizing the opportunity, Klein quickly escaped from the morgue, first using the janitor's small room to hide for a few seconds, and then cautiously returned to the upper floor.

The old man at the gate checked and found nothing abnormal. He muttered a little afraid of the corpse, left quickly, locked the gate, and did not stay any longer.

Back in the guard room, he wrapped himself in a thin quilt, and it took him several minutes to calm down his rapid heartbeat. He laughed at himself in a low voice: "Those old guys always tell me about the abnormalities that happened in the morgue, trying to scare me. , The strange sound just now should be counted, it�s nothing, those corpses didn�t come back to life!�

"Hey, how can there be such things as living corpses and resentful souls!"

At the same time, Klein was walking comfortably on the quiet and deep street, happy to solve a hidden danger.

He looked at the elegant gas street lamps on both sides, looking forward to the Extraordinary party in the future.

As long as he can get a weapon with special effects, he can get one of the main materials of "magician"!