�It is weird that there is a gate when nobody would want to go out there right?�
Rosalyn got off the carriage and responded.
�It is definitely weird.�
�I agree.�
Cage felt the same way.
Tasha opened her mouth to answer, but Cale pointed to the castle wall before she could do so.
�I think I know why.�
The castle wall, well, a shabby and old wall that barely deserved the title of being a castle wall, that Cale pointed to had multiple people trying to climb it.
�Capture them!�
�Catch them and kill them!�
They could hear the citizens screaming while the soldiers were laughing.
��What is going on?�
Tasha smiled bitterly at Choi Han�s question. She looked around before quietly answering.
�The liege of the Dubori territory taxes his people at a very high rate that is almost impossible for people in a village like this right next to the desert to handle. Past the desert is another kingdom, as well as the sea that will allow them to go wherever they want.�
There was no need to explain any further.
The people trying to climb the wall looked like very poor peasants.
Cale started to speak.
�They made the gate to catch the people running away.�
�Also to catch the people trying to sneak out.�
The Land of Death and the people trying to escape to the desert to run away from the unbearable tax rates.
�Of course, there are not too many people who attempt it. However, you do see at least one on a consistent basis, since the Dubori family has ruled over this region and continued to raise the taxes over and over.�
There were always bound to be more terrible rulers than great rulers.