Chapter: 655

Cale headed to the gate that was pretty small for a castle gate. There were multiple soldiers and two knights at the gate.

�What can we do for you?�

The stiff knight looked toward Cale�s group. The reason he was respectful toward them was because Cale�s group�s outfits looked fancy.

Cale peeked behind the knight and looked toward the soldiers before looking back at the knight.

The two citizens who were trying to climb the wall to escape into the Land of Death were currently being beaten to death by the soldiers.

�Aaah, please let me live!�

�You stupid bastards! You think we won�t be here because it is dinner time? Maybe you�ll have made it if we went to dinner a bit earlier. You stupid bastards!�

�I, I�m sorry! Knight-nim, I�m very sorry! It�s because I have no m, money! Aaaah!�

The sounds of punching and kicking could be heard.

�We are trying to go outside the gate.�

The knight flinched at Cale�s calm demeanor before putting on a twisted smile. Cale handed a gold coin to the knight, who quickly put it in his pocket and shouted to the soldier at the gate.

�Open the gate.�

The knight looked at the man who seemed to be a wealthy noble and started to smile.

�Please return alive.�

It was the best thing to say to the people heading into the Land of Death.


The sound of the gate opening reached Cale�s ear. He looked toward the slowly opening gate as the knight started to speak again.

�I pray that you do not end up becoming more fodder to dye the red sand.�

Cale could see the red sand that was brighter than the sunset and his own hair. It was like a mountain made of droplets of blood.

�I will make sure to do that.�

Cale responded to the knight.


The knight caught the item that Cale threw with confusion. Cale looked toward the knight and started to speak.

�Let them go.�