Chapter: 89

Sister Zhou saw a new toy with sharp eyes, opened the bag quickly, took out a new set of toys from inside, stuffed it to her son, and said, "Baby, don't cry, let's play with new toys, don't be so sloppy." A broken toy gun."

Zhan Yin looked at sister Zhou with gloomy eyes, his handsome face was also tightened, and the serious and cold breath radiated out, which immediately frozen the atmosphere in the room.

It was Zhou's father who touched the old woman and asked his wife to remind her daughter not to go too far. These new toys were obviously bought by Yang Yang's uncle for Yang Yang to play with. It's embarrassing for his daughter to do this.

Sister Zhou�s husband�s surname is Ren, and Mr. Ren also felt embarrassed. He quickly got up and took back a new toy from his son, put it on the coffee table, hugged his son, and coaxed him: "Baby is obedient, and Dad will come to you later!" Take you to buy new toys."

Sister Zhou still doesn't know what's going on.

Zhan Yin suddenly said: "Let's play with him, I bought a lot of new toys for Yang Yang, and Yang Yang doesn't lack this set."

He noticed that the baby of the Ren family had dirty hands. He thought that Zhou Yang had touched Zhou Yang's new toy and it was dirty, so he generously gave him the new set of toys to play with.

He motioned Haitong to give the new set of toys to Ren's baby.

Haitong also didn't want to make the atmosphere stiff because of a set of toys. It was her older sister who would be the most difficult person at that time, so she hurriedly picked up the set of toys and handed them to the baby. When the baby took the toys, Haitong noticed that the little baby The guy's hands were dirty, and he immediately understood why Zhan Yin was suddenly generous.

Zhan Yin has a slight obsession with cleanliness. He thinks that the little guy's hands are dirty and the new toys are dirty, so he will generously give the other party a new set of toys.

The two children stopped fighting, and the atmosphere of the adults eased up.

Although Zhan Yin didn't say anything, the look in his eyes and his expression just now let the Zhou family know that Hai Tong is not easy to mess with.

Mother Zhou felt that Haitong was not a fuel-efficient lamp in the first place, and now she has found a man who is not easy to mess with. She knows that her daughter-in-law and Haitong sisters are deeply in love, and Mother Zhou also knows the virtues of her son.

She had to find a chance to remind her son, don't go too far. Although Hai Ling said that she can't make any money raising the baby full-time, at least she gave birth to the eldest grandson of the Zhou family. There is no credit but hard work. Hai Ling has to save some face.

Zhou Honglin came back soon.

After he came back, he sat for a while, and Hai Ling greeted everyone for dinner.

Haitong followed her sister into the kitchen to serve dishes, saw several kinds of seafood, she said softly to her sister: "Sister, Zhan Yin and I are not outsiders, we don't need to buy so many seafood for ordinary meals."

"Your brother-in-law asked me to buy more. You also know that his sister's family loves seafood. They are reluctant to eat seafood at home. Every time they come here, they order seafood, and they only choose expensive ones. My mother-in-law wants seafood again." Eat beef."

"Why do I let them eat everything I paid for? I didn't make it for them at noon. I put it in the refrigerator and made it tonight, waiting for you and Zhan Yin to come over and eat together."

At noon, she only cooked two small dishes for her in-laws' family, but the faces of her in-laws' faces were all ugly, so she acted as if she hadn't seen it.

This dinner was enjoyed by all the guests.

After the meal, after sitting for a while, Zhan Yin wanted to leave, and Hai Tong had to accompany her husband home together.

As soon as the young couple left, Hai Ling tidied up the dishes and chopsticks of her and her younger sister and went back to the kitchen to wash.

Zhou Honglin wanted to cut watermelon for his parents and sister to eat, but he took out the frozen watermelon from the refrigerator, and seeing that the table was not cleared, he raised his voice and shouted: "Hai Ling, didn't you see that the table was not cleared? Come out and clear the table."

Hai Ling didn't come out, and the voice floated out from the kitchen: "After what you said, we will use the AA system. The money I spent on buying vegetables and fruits today can be regarded as making up for the money I spent on clothes for living expenses last time. I will not follow you." never mind."

"But for family affairs, let's do our own things to show fairness. I've already cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks of Tongtong and I, and the rest belong to you and your family. If you want to clean up, you can clean it up. If you continue to use it tomorrow, I don't care."

Hearing this, Zhou's family all looked at Zhou Honglin.

Zhou's mother and sister Zhou had already reminded Zhou Honglin that he and Hailing made the AA. They felt that Hailing had taken advantage of it, and the two women felt sorry for their son's (brother's) wallet.

Now when the younger brother and his wife really start the AA system, the younger brother and daughter-in-law even have to pay AA for housework.

Zhou Honglin's face turned red all of a sudden, he was about to enter the kitchen with a fruit knife, but his mother grabbed him.