Chapter: 90

"Hai Ling, Hong Lin has to go to work every day. He is busy and tired at work. He makes money to support his family, you and Yangyang. You are his wife, so you should take good care of him. How can Hong Lin do the housework?"

"Hong Lin told you about the AA system, but he just didn't want you to spend money lavishly. How can a husband and wife live if they care about so much? Hurry up and clean up the dining table. Don't make Hong Lin angry. He is tired enough doing things outside. You have to understand him."

Sister Zhou echoed her mother's words: "That's right, you don't go to work, but you take care of Yangyang at home, and you spend Hong Lin's money for food, clothing and housing. How dare you let Hong Lin do things?"

Hai Ling came out of the kitchen, walked to the children's motorcycle, picked up his son, and said blankly: "I don't have a job, no source of income, I'm raising my baby full-time at home, and I rely on Hong Lin to raise him, but he wants to be with me. AA system, what does this mean?"

"Okay, the AA system is the AA system. Whether it's household or housework, you have to AA system, and each does his own thing. Didn't you say that I have a leisurely time at home with my baby? Don't you mean that I don't do anything? Then I will not do it, let Hong Lin know that this home is not made clean and tidy by himself, and his dirty clothes and dirty socks are not automatically cleaned."

Hai Ling hugged her son in one hand, picked up the things sent by her sister and his wife in the other, went straight back to the room, and closed the door with a bang.

"It's the other way around!"

Zhou Honglin was so angry that he slapped the fruit knife on the coffee table, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to enter the room to teach his wife.

"Hong Lin."

Mother Zhou grabbed her son again, "What do you want to do? Yangyang is still inside, don't scare Yangyang, teach her a lesson, wait for Yangyang to fall asleep. Also, when you start, don't go to the Ming Dynasty. If Hai Tong sees it, that girl will definitely come to settle accounts with you, and her husband won't be someone to mess with once he sees it."

Zhou Honglin knew that Zhan Yin was working in a big company, but the Hailing sisters didn't say which company he was in. He also wanted to have a good relationship with Zhan Yin, but Zhan Yin was always alienated and indifferent. Li Xiao is also a manager. Seeing that Zhan Yin's attitude is cold, he doesn't want to have a good relationship with Zhan Yin.

After hearing his mother's words, he felt that Zhan Yin looked down upon him, and he became even more furious, and said angrily, "Let them take care of my husband and wife's affairs? Can Hai Tong dare to beat me? Her husband is not easy to mess with." , I, Zhou Honglin, are easy to provoke?"

Elder Sister Zhou was also on the sidelines: "Hong Lin, even if you want to teach Hai Ling a lesson, Mom is right, don't scare Yang Yang. Hai Ling is the same, you provide her with good food and drink, she is not satisfied, I'm ashamed to let you do housework, after your brother-in-law comes home from work, I even prepared water for your brother-in-law to wash your feet."

"This man is working hard outside to make money. As women, we have to clean up the house and let the husband do the housework. This kind of wife is unvirtuous."

Sister Zhou seemed to be persuading her younger brother, but what she said added fuel to the flames. She wished her younger brother would go in and teach Hai Ling a lesson.

Thinking that his son was still young and his mother was holding on to him, Zhou Honglin temporarily gave up the urge to go into the room and teach Hai Ling a lesson.

"When Yang Yang falls asleep, let's see how I take care of her. She knows how to eat and drink all day long. She is as fat as a pig, and she dares to show me face and let me do the dishes!"

Zhou Honglin picked up the fruit knife to cut the watermelon again.

Zhou's mother called her daughter to help clean up the dining table.

After a while, the mother and daughter returned to the sofa and sat down. Sister Zhou picked up a piece of watermelon to eat, and said to her younger brother while eating: "Hong Lin, your niece and niece will be promoted to junior high school soon. I want them to go to school in the city." For the junior high school students, let�s see if they can be transferred to the city�s primary school, and then come to live with you, where they will study for a year or two, so that it will be easier for them to enter the junior high school.�

Sister Zhou continued: "Your place is not far from the school. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a room in the school district."

"Usually let Hai Ling take care of the two children, just wash and cook for them, and the food expenses..."

Zhou Honglin hurriedly said: "Sister, those are my nieces and nephews. I don't need to pay for the food. I will find someone to help the two children with the transfer procedures, and they will transfer to study. Hailing will pick them up every day after school. Anyway, she is at home. To be idle is to be idle."

Sister Zhou and her husband were very happy to see their younger brother agreeing.

Zhou's mother reminded her son: "Hong Lin, you have to discuss this matter with Hai Ling. How can I say that she has a part in this family."

She also talked about her daughter: "I heard that you can come here to study junior high school if you go to elementary school here, and you have to move here. Your place is not considered a rural area, it is just a suburb, and the schools around are not bad. Back then you The siblings are both studying in those schools, so they can both be admitted to good universities?"

She thinks that as long as the child studies well, it doesn't matter where they study.

"That's right, Mom reminded me, Hong Lin, how about I transfer the household registration of the two children to your family's household registration book, or you transfer the real estate certificate to my sister's name first, and after my two children graduate , and then move out of the household registration or transfer the real estate certificate back to your name."

Mr. Ren is eating watermelon with his son in his arms. He does not comment on this matter.

Zhou Honglin didn't think too much, and agreed, but he still said: "I will tell Hai Ling later, I have the final say on this family, but what Mom said is right, she also has a share, besides, pick up and drop off." The children go to and from school, cook for the children, and she has to do it, and she must be consulted first."